
Who Drives the Alcohol Industry? Alcoholics

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/14 08:35AM

Based upon beer and liquor company advertising, you might imagine that the US booze industry primarily sells its products to suave, attractive 20-somethings on the beach. In fact, it primarily sells its products to alcoholics.

Amsterdam Pays Alcoholics in Beer

Sarah Hedgecock · 12/05/13 03:58PM

About a year ago, a charity in Amsterdam began a project to employ alcoholics and pay them partially in beer. And according to the New York Times, it's apparently going great.

Ruth Is Heartless, But the World Breaks Everyone

Ruth Fowler · 10/27/12 12:00PM

I gravitated to the fucked up writers. Hunter S. Thompson, Hemingway, William S. Burroughs, Raymond Chandler, Tennessee Williams, Dylan Thomas, Jack Kerouac, Truman Capote, Charles Bukowski, William Faulkner. There weren't many women in my list. Dorothy Parker, and that was about it. Somehow, hand in hand with booze and drugs, the terrible dance that substances led me on became one that I must perfect to be a writer. It was a required necessity, an essential rite of passage, and my writing heroes' words were the proof. I drank, gurned, snorted, swallowed and hallucinated like they did. That waltz into the dark was absolutely crucial for me in order to write like them—even if the familiar, haunting beautiful chimes of The Blue Danube led me instead to the depths of degradation, I could still write about it.

Mayor Won't Resign After Public Bender

Lauri Apple · 07/30/11 05:50PM

The city council in Sheboygan, Wisconsin wants to remove the mayor from office because he's a self-proclaimed alcoholic who recently went on a three-day bender during which he got into a fight and passed out at some schlubby tavern that, from pictures, looks just like how stale Cheese Doodles smell.

Amy Winehouse Returns to Rehab

Maureen O'Connor · 05/27/11 01:05PM

Cue the "No, no, no" jokes: Amy Winehouse has checked herself into rehab for alcoholism once again. She reportedly "drank a small bottle of vodka on her way to the facility." [TMZ]

Britain's Youngest Alcoholic is Three Years Old

Brian Moylan · 03/15/11 11:00AM

A three-year-old is being treated for alcoholism after exhibiting withdrawal symptoms, and the authorities claim the child has been consuming booze regularly for a period of time. We're not quite sure how, but Four Loko must be to blame. [Telegraph]

Outer Space Smells Like NASCAR

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/11 04:40PM

Space smell! Science selling secrets! Copper popularity! Alcoholism genes! Pregnant running! Infant sleeping! Bullies exposed! Dinosaur footprints explained! And fat black widows! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—successfully!

Best Women's Diet: Lots of Sex, No Breakfast

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/11 03:38PM

Hot flashes! Poop eating! Shingles cure! Alcoholism medication! Alzheimer's test! Organ transplants! Smallpox preservation! Vaccine seizures! Cancer breastfeeding! And a little encouragement for the sexually promiscuous eating-disordered ladies! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—yes, yours!

Hiding Liquor in Purse Now Fashionable

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/10 12:21PM

The new must-have "ultimate accessory," for ladies: fruity booze, disguised as perfume. "Our point is not drink a lot to be glamorous - it's drink responsibly and in moderation and just be glamorous over all." Ohh, okay. [NYT]

Tony Blair Drank Like Crazy While Prime Minister

Jim Newell · 09/01/10 10:36AM

England is merrier than usual today, as ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair's memoir finally hits bookstores! So, is he sorry about Iraq? Did he ever "like-like" the Queen? Many questions remain. Blair makes one thing clear, though: He loved getting drunk.

Man Calls 911 for Ride to Liquor Store

Max Read · 08/04/10 09:54PM

If you're too drunk to drive, it's a good idea to call a friend for a ride. It's not a good idea to call 911. Three times. For a ride to the liquor store.