
Al Jazeera America Deletes Article Satirizing Itself

J.K. Trotter · 02/25/16 04:35PM

Al-Jazeera America, the soon-to-be-dead U.S. outpost of the Qatari government’s global television network, published an opinion essay on Thursday morning that satirized—subtly, but not that subtly—a number of new (or newly relaunched) media companies, including Mic, The New Republic, and Al-Jazeera America itself. Hours later, however, the network’s website replaced the entire essay with the following editor’s note:

Andy Cush · 09/23/15 11:24AM

Al Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed were among 100 people pardoned by Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi today, according to a Sisi spokesman. In 2013, the men were arrested along with a colleague on trumped-up charges of “conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood to broadcast false news.”

Three Al Jazeera Journalists Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Egypt

Brendan O'Connor · 08/29/15 09:45AM

On Saturday, an Egyptian judge sentenced three Al Jazeera English journalists—Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed, and Peter Greste—to at least three years in prison on trumped up charges that have been the subject of much criticism since the men were arrested two years ago in December.

Egyptian President Won't Pardon Jailed Al Jazeera Journalists

Allie Jones · 06/24/14 10:35AM

Newly-inaugurated Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi says he will not pardon the three Al Jazeera journalists sentenced to jail yesterday for conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood to report false news. "If we desire [strong] state institutions, we must respect court rulings and not comment on them even if others don't understand these rulings," he said last night, according to the Associated Press.

Egyptian Court Sentences Al Jazeera Journalists to Seven Years in Jail

Allie Jones · 06/23/14 06:53AM

Three Al Jazeera journalists were convicted this morning in Cairo of conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood to broadcast false news. Mohamed Fadel Fahmy and Peter Greste were sentenced to seven years in jail, and Baher Mohammed was sentenced to 10 years—the three additional years were for "possession of ammunition."

What Did Egyptian Jailers Do to This Al Jazeera Journalist?

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 12:58PM

Abdullah Elshamy, an Al Jazeera reporter who has been in jail in Egypt on trumped-up charges for nearly a year, has been ordered released on account of his failing health, and judging from before-and-after photos of Elshamy, it's clear that his release is an urgent matter.

Why is Brian Stelter Still Writing About Cable News?

J.K. Trotter · 08/21/13 02:28PM

TV reporter and book author Brian Stelter isn’t supposed to write about cable news, given his recent try-out as the new host of CNN’s Reliable Sources, where Howard Kurtz policed the media (well, tried to) before signing with Fox News. But on Monday the Times published Stelter’s report on the cable news upstart Al Jazeera America, citing its executives’ plan to usurp established channels (such as Stelter’s potential employer). And today Stelter reported on Al Jazeera’s litigation against AT&T for dropping the network. Has a would-be media cop lost track of his own conflicted interests?

Donald Rumsfeld's Other Al Jazeera Interview Didn't Go So Well

Jim Newell · 10/04/11 04:37PM

Donald Rumsfeld, who during his time in the Bush White House labeled Al Jazeera Arabic "vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable," made news last week by praising the English network, saying he's now "delighted you are doing what you are doing." That was in an interview with David Frost. But he held another interview with the network that day that's just coming to light! It is truly something else, meaning it's scary and contentious.

Did Wikileaks Decapitate Al Jazeera?

Ryan Tate · 09/20/11 07:53PM

The man who built Al Jazeera into a global TV news powerhouse was replaced after Wikileaks released a cable showing he collaborated with the U.S. government. Apparently this did not go over well with the Middle Eastern royal family that actually owns the network.

Missing Al Jazeera Reporter Found in Iran (in Jail)

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/11 01:54PM

In your harrowing Wednesday media column: an Al Jazeera reporter is held in Iran, Chattanooga newsman in Nazi cop row, Uganda's tabloids go hard on "Homos," the NYT's web traffic inches downward, and Bill Gallo dies.

Al Jazeera Takes a Tour of Gaddafi's Bunker

Marie Bardi · 03/01/11 11:30AM

Now that Libyan pro-democracy forces are taking over, Al Jazeera gets a rare peek inside one of Gaddafi's secret bunkers. Equipped with everything needed to survive a serious attack (including equipment made in the USA), the fortress suggests Gaddafi's paranoia.