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Chrissie Lamond · 06/15/09 02:59PMWhich Blind Item is the Most Truthful?
Chrissie Lamond · 06/12/09 02:59PM$100 of Free Music
Chrissie Lamond · 06/06/09 01:59PMWhich Blind Item is the Most Truthful?
Chrissie Lamond · 06/05/09 03:10PMTonight at 10/9c, USA's rolling out the newness:
Chrissie Lamond · 06/04/09 01:59PMSwag Bag Giveaway
Chrissie Lamond · 06/03/09 11:29AMMeet The Volkswagen Jetta TDI
Chrissie Lamond · 06/01/09 12:59PMExpedition Party Wrap Up
Chrissie Lamond · 05/30/09 12:59PMWhich Blind Item is the Most Truthful?
Chrissie Lamond · 05/29/09 02:09PMWe Partied Down, You Broke Our Table
James Del · 05/28/09 07:55PMEXPEDITION AFRICA - The Television Event of the Summer
Chrissie Lamond · 05/26/09 02:00PMGo into the heart of Africa with four renowned explorers as they attempt to follow the historic journey of Henry Morton Stanley and his search for the "lost" Dr. David Livingstone. The explorers face dehydration, deadly animals, disease and each other, knowing that any step could be their last. Don't miss the premiere of EXPEDITION AFRICA this SUNDAY, MAY 31st at 10pm/9c on HISTORY.
Join Gawker On an Expedition to Africa
Chrissie Lamond · 05/22/09 11:30AMYou’re Not Going to Win $150 By Just Sitting There!
Chrissie Lamond · 05/19/09 10:29AMLast Chance to Win Gas
Chrissie Lamond · 05/14/09 03:29PMHot, bothered, and lost in paradise.
Chrissie Lamond · 05/14/09 01:00PMHere's the thing about Peter Arthur Stories: you want to be in this tiny movie. You want the orange scooter with the torpedo sidecar. You want to love a red-headed stranger so much that you get out of dodge and head to Pennsylvania Dutch Country to find her. The six-toed cabin girl, the bag of little ceramic heads, the gooey molasses pie. You want it all.
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Chrissie Lamond · 04/21/09 04:00PMConnect and Go.
Chrissie Lamond · 04/21/09 11:00AM
Featuring built-in wireless access, the new Sony VAIO® Lifestyle PC with Intel® inside puts the internet in your pocket. And this is no stripped down version of the web, either. Everything is there, displayed just like it is on your home PC. Video chat with friends, download music or update your blog-from virtually anywhere. Click here to find out more.
Win the book. See the Movie. Get Informed.
Chrissie Lamond · 04/20/09 01:00PMSend In Your Stalker Sightings on the Go
Chrissie Lamond · 04/16/09 03:00PM
The Sony VAIO® Lifestyle PC with Intel® Inside notebook is small enough for you to take everywhere, so next time you find yourself at the coffee shop sitting across from "that guy...who was in that movie...with that girl...about that thing," you can look up his name and email everyone you know in the time it takes to sip your latte. Now that's cool.