Which Blind Item is the Most Truthful?
We know you all love Richard's daily blind items, but do they leave you wondering what exactly is fact or fiction? Actual scandals or publicist planted nonsense? Well now you can weigh in...

Please tell us which item of the week is the most truthful, and enter to win a $100 Amex gift card and Sobieski T-Shirt!
#1 "Which top model was dismissed from her agency - all because she became a Scientologist?" [NYDN]
#2 "She is a movie actress who has nearly eclipsed her husband in fame and notoriety. Outwardly, he seems to have no reservations in watching her succeed. In reality, though, his big ego has led him to doing some quiet things to sabotage her behind her back. He recently made a call to a director with whom he has a good relationship, asking him to forgo casting his wife for a particular upcoming role that she really wanted.We smell trouble coming. This actress takes her work seriously, and there are bound to be repercussions for her husband and marriage if she finds out he is undermining her." [BlindGossip]
#3 "Could it be that a former sitcom siren is desperately seeking a baby? After a number of failed relationships, she's decided not to wait for Mr. Right and is instead turning to the turkey baster. To fill it, she's trying to enlist the aid of one of her many gay friends, some to whom she's been romantically linked. Her most recent breakup led her to forget about chemistry and focus on muddling through solo." [BlindGossip]
#4 "Which reality TV dad is trying to escape rumors he's cheating by claiming the woman he supposedly slept with prefers women?" [P6]
Now email contests@gawker.com so we can contact you if you're our winner!!