
More From Serial Killer Groupie Victoria Redstall's Acting Reel

mark · 08/08/06 03:18PM

We at Defamer will not rest until Victoria Redstall, the charmingly kooky, if incredibly naive, serial killer groupie/struggling actress who's befriended an imprisoned psychopath, gets an acting gig that will give her something better to do with her time than wait around for her new BFF to turn her glowing skin into a fetching kimono. So, compassionate producers and casting directors of Hollywood, we beseech you to watch some of the finest work from Redstall's reel, in which the actress ably submerges her British accent and delivers each line with the sensual nuance of a housewife who's about to be bent over the couch by her shirtless "cleaning hunk"—a performance made all the more impressive when you consider that Redstall curbed her desire to ad-lib some dialogue asking the pine-scented furniture-polisher if he has any products strong enough to dissolve dismembered limbs in a bathtub. Surely one of you can find a use for a talent like this and rescue her before it's too late.

Serial Killer Groupie Victoria Redstall's Grobust Commercial

mark · 08/01/06 06:10PM

A resourceful operative dug up this video of serial killer-befriending actress Victoria Redstall's fine work for Grobust, an herbal breast-enhancing remedy whose unfortunate side-effects seem to include the atrophying of the part of the brain responsible for making generously bosomed females flee from incarcerated men with a track record of storing surgically removed mammaries in recloseable sandwich bags. Should any other clips from her reel be made available online, we'll be sure to pass them along and do our part to get her some work that might leave her less time to hang around inside prisons.

Busty Actress Meets Cute With Breast-Obsessed Serial Killer

mark · 08/01/06 04:51PM

You hardly need the local newspaper of record to provide you with anecdotal evidence of the immutable Hollywood law that "actresses are crazy," but today's LAT features a tale that goes far beyond the realm of the usual "three hundred calls a day from the needy scene partner you didn't call back the morning after a regrettable one night stand" kind of benign imbalance, and into the previously unexplored "forming an emotional attachment to the jailed, misunderstood serial killer who's totally gotten over his chopped-off-breasts-in-a-Ziplock-bag phase" flavor of insane. Welcome to the story of Victoria Redstall, actress and "former spokesmodel for breast enhancement supplements,' who befriended repeat hooker-slayer Wayne Adam Ford while shooting a documentary: