Busty Actress Meets Cute With Breast-Obsessed Serial Killer
You hardly need the local newspaper of record to provide you with anecdotal evidence of the immutable Hollywood law that "actresses are crazy," but today's LAT features a tale that goes far beyond the realm of the usual "three hundred calls a day from the needy scene partner you didn't call back the morning after a regrettable one night stand" kind of benign imbalance, and into the previously unexplored "forming an emotional attachment to the jailed, misunderstood serial killer who's totally gotten over his chopped-off-breasts-in-a-Ziplock-bag phase" flavor of insane. Welcome to the story of Victoria Redstall, actress and "former spokesmodel for breast enhancement supplements,' who befriended repeat hooker-slayer Wayne Adam Ford while shooting a documentary:
She expected to be fascinated, she said, but not drawn into a deep bond with Ford that has caused a disruption in court and triggered an investigation by the Sheriff's Department.
"I trust Wayne with my life.... He's got such a kindness to him and such a conscience," she said, her eyes briefly filling with tears during an interview at a cafe in Studio City last week. "He is so tuned in to me and I to him that sometimes words don't have to be said."
Ford, a former long-haul truck driver, is on trial in San Bernardino County for crimes that would send most women running in the opposite direction. In 1997 and 1998, Ford murdered three prostitutes and a hitchhiker, dismembering two and dumping all four bodies in California waterways, before surrendering voluntarily with his final victim's breast in a Ziplock bag in his jacket pocket. [...]
"Everyone tells me, 'Be careful, he's a serial killer' ... but they don't know Wayne like I do," she said. "We've all got evil in us — all of us. He took it to the extent of killing humans.... But I'm going on the man he is today and the remorse that he has today."
The irony of a model for breast enhancement pills, Herbal Grobust, seeking out a killer with a breast fetish is not lost on her, and she addresses it with the dark humor that both shocks and entertains the people she talks to in the courtroom.
"It's hysterical," she said.
Well, maybe she's not that crazy; after all, she did get herself featured in the LAT, and we imagine that by the end of the day she'll have the interest of countless agents, producers, and casting directors thrilled to meet with a breast augmentation model who'll believe just about anything she's told.