Accused Child Molesters Heart Huckabee

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/15 01:24PM

Duggars be damned: It turns out presidential Easter ham Mike Huckabee has another alleged child molester in his coterie. A prolific co-author of Huck’s and other Christian moralists’ books left his church and escaped prosecution when the statute of limitations ran out on his alleged sexual assaults of a young girl.

Rick Santorum Had a Campaign Rally in Iowa and Only One Person Showed Up

Adam Weinstein · 06/10/15 10:51AM

Some competitors thrive on being the underdog. Some find humor and vigor in humiliating setbacks. And some are just glass-jawed failure artists, their piled losses more befitting than any theoretical small victory. Rick Santorum is the latter, having reached mediocrity’s apogee while eating lunch alone on Monday.

Remember When Jeb Bush Proposed Public Shamings for Unmarried Moms?

Adam Weinstein · 06/09/15 01:05PM

People forget today that George W. Bush first ran for president as a “compassionate conservative” because it was novel to do so: Most conservatives openly acknowledged that they were pricks by 2000. Like George’s brother Jeb, who wrote in 1995 of wanting society to attach a “sense of ridicule” to single parenting.

U.S. Reaches Peak Misplaced Outrage in Rick Perry-Caitlyn Jenner Flap

Adam Weinstein · 06/04/15 04:40PM

Rick Perry’s presidential campaign launched today on the premise that you don’t need to be able to count to three as long as you can push the red button. But amid his militaristic orgy of self-praise, dumb media people had a dumb media argument about the emo twins flanking Perry. Caitlyn Jenner was involved.

Ted Cruz Was the College Debate Prick's College Debate Prick

Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 11:18AM

Imagine a drama kid—without good looks, singing or dancing ability, who wants to be president, is pretty sure your opinions suck, and thinks you’re an idiot. You just imagined a college parliamentary debater. And who do college parliamentary debaters think are irritating, pitiful jagoffs? In the 1990s, it was Ted Cruz.

Get to Know Marco Rubio, the Biggest Idiot Running for President

Adam Weinstein · 04/14/15 01:50PM

A lot of people in the United States don't know anything about soon-to-be ex-senator Marco Rubio of Florida, which means he theoretically still has a chance to be president, the same way the Philadelphia Phillies can still theoretically win this year's pennant. It will not last, and it will never have been realistic.

Ted Cruz Releases Beautiful Stock Video to Announce 2016 Run

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/22/15 11:55PM

It's official, Ted Cruz is running for president and he hopes to earn your support—you can tell by this lovely video he tweeted along with the message, "I'm running for President and I hope to earn your support!."

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 03:13PM

"He would literally say...'God has told me I'm chosen to cut taxes and stop killing babies,' even in casual conversation." This is the nicest thing anyone has to say about Scott Walker, who will never be president, in Alec MacGillis' TNR profile of the Wisconsin governor.

The GOP Will Try to Entice You With This Shitshow of an Ad

Adam Weinstein · 06/16/14 04:55PM

Is it trying to get you to associate the Republican Party with SportsCenter? Hoping you'll fall for a lovable anti-Clinton mascot costume? Trying to court nut producers for donations? Who knows? The point is: Reince Priebus wanted it, and it's in HD, so watch the damn turd.

Conservatives Now Trying to Hate Hillary More Than They Hate Obama

Allie Jones · 06/10/14 01:40PM

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign — or book tour, whatever — kicked off this week with a Diane Sawyer interview and a Hard Choices signing at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. So now it's officially time for conservatives to give President Obama a break and start building their case against Clinton for 2016.

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 01:11PM

Asked Sunday if he thinks he's ready to be president, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) replies: "I do." Asked Sunday if he believes in human-caused climate change, Rubio replies: "I do not."