Suri Cruise Is Not Designing a Fun Sexy Clothing Line for Children

Looks like America's children will continue dressing like derelicts and frumpalumps for the foreseeable future; Suri Cruise, the fashion goddess who could have made Sex and the City chic accessible for toddlers, is not designing an eponymous clothing line, despite several reports Friday to the contrary.
The root of the rumors appears to have been this item from the Sun, in which an anonymous and most likely fictitious source explains that, while designing and marketing her own fashion line will be "a nice hobby" for Suri (who is seven), she isn't going to let it "take over her life."
There was also this:
The initial idea was for Suri to have a fashion blog, but the concept was extended after she started to talk about special designs for her clothes.
Isn't that how all fashion lines start? An adult hires a seven year old to write a fashion blog and before long the kid is saying things like "My favorite hat is a blue hat" and "I wish I had a princess dress" and *poof* she's signing a contract worth $2.3M contract (in print letters, because she hasn't learned cursive yet) to generate iconic and timeless clothing designs for her peers.
Sadly, it seems that, yet again, a child's life has gotten in the way of America's fashion dreams. A spokesman for Suri's mother, Katie Holmes, told Vogue UK the rumors were "100 percent false" Friday afternoon.
[Image via Getty]
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