Prog rock. It's socially aware. It's high concept. It's the Nostradamus of 1970s pot-smoking teens. And it totally knew the Trade Center towers were going down in a (thermite) fireball, man.

Supertramp, the synth-heavy British prog-rock band beloved by Paul Thomas Anderson soundtrack fans everywhere, is the focus of a new recurring* 9/11 conspiracy theory by some commenter someplace. That commenter—let's call her "Eve"—recently took to the website of New World Order and reptilian-aristocracy conspiracy theorist David Ickes to expound how the cover of Supertramp's 1979 breakthrough album "Breakfast in America" totally shows 9/11 was an inside job, man!

First comes this telling pic at left, showing how the "U" and "P" in Supertramp totally spell out "9" and "11" over the Twin Towers if you, like, reverse the image, man. Plus, the orange juice:

Album came out in 1979.

9/11 reference.

9/11 was served with breakfast...not to mention the everyday fight for freedom: "Breakfast In America."

Orange juice = fireball.

You are looking out of the window of a plane, she is showing the target.

Creator of album art very famous, also created album art for led zeppelin, and many others.

Q.E.D., reptilian-hating music lover. Q.E.D. You've sold us, as surely as Roger Waters channeled Toto. (That Toto, not this Toto.) And you didn't even bring up Supertramp's biggest single from the album, the suspiciously named "Goodbye Stranger"!

Solid work, Eve. But: The lamestream media won't buy into all this until we've gained the attention of its biggest prog-rock Illuminati apologist. So, how about it, Weigel?

(* Last year! and the year before that. Because music fans are on it.)