At least 25 people were killed and 40 more wounded in a pair of suicide bombings perpetrated yesterday in Mogadishu, Somalia, the New York Times reports. The attack was carried out by a rebel group, Al Shabab, who claimed to have targeted government officials gathered at a hotel for a prayer service.

"As soon as the prayers finished, a huge explosion happened," Salaad Ali Jelle, a former government minister told the Times. "Then another explosion followed at the entrance of the mosque. I jumped over several dead bodies, but I survived."

According to a statement from the office of the prime minister, two lawmakers, the deputy governor of Banadir, and members of the prime minister's staff were among the dead. Mohamed Omar Arte, the deputy prime minister, was wounded. He was flown to Turkey for treatment.

Reuters reports that gunmen from Al Shabab killed four airport workers in a drive-by shooting on Monday.

[Photo credit: AP Images]