Your favorite hot sauce is safe, for now: Perhaps motivated by Texas's meddling, the Irwindale, Ca. City Council voted unanimously Wednesday night to dismiss a lawsuit and public nuisance declaration against Huy Fong Foods, maker of the beloved Sriracha hot sauce.

Council members reached the consensus after meeting earlier in the week with Huy Fong creator David Tran, who assured the group the company is working to resolve its odor problems.

"We forged a relationship. Let's keep that going," City Councilman Julian Miranda told the Pasadena Star after the vote. "The discussions we had afterwards were candid. And I think he understood where we were coming from with the residents and having to be advocates for our residents, and I was pleased that he saw that."

The vote marks an abrupt change for the city. Just six weeks ago, the council voted unanimously to declare Huy Fong's factory a public nuisance, and in October, city council members filed a lawsuit against the factory, claiming its odors adversely affected the health of Irwindale residents.

[h/t Neetzan/Image via AP]