South Carolina, whose main outputs through American history have been the Civil War and smokeable cancer, is still a bad place, according to a new survey by Public Policy Polling.

The poll comes just days before the South Carolina primary, and gives us a little “taste” of the sort of voting pool we’re dealing with here—shallow, cloudy, and with a lot of leaves floating around in it that no one has bothered to clean out with the net.

Let’s begin with this cultural snapshot:

The good news is that now, a little more than 60 years after Brown v. Board of Education, a full three quarters of South Carolinians have come around to rejecting the doctrine of white supremacy (there was no poll question about the possibility of white inferiority). On the other hand, allowing for the poll’s margin of error, it’s possible that as many South Carolinians remain unsure about racial equality as are unsure about what kind of barbecue sauce they like to put into their mouths.

Meanwhile, though their opinions are divided about barbecue sauce, the voters appear to have formed a majority opinion about racist symbology. They’re for it:

(Trump backers are 70 percent in favor of the Confederate flag.)

The people of South Carolina are, to their credit, not yet ready to ban the entire religion of Islam outright, but they do lean toward supporting a national government registry of its practitioners:

A full 47 percent of those asked were either opposed to the legal practice of Islam in the United States or “unsure.” Donald Trump’s supporters are the one subgroup in the poll unable to muster a majority to support keeping a religion legal.

Here’s a good breakdown of GOP candidate support by white supremacists, with Trump leading the pack:

Marco Rubio has the most supporters who are unsure about white supremacy.

And here’s a breakdown of GOP candidate support by traitors:

Again, Trump supporters lead the field. A full 76 percent of them are not glad that the United States won the Civil War. This might seem, at first, an odd position for a nationalist campaign that praises winners and disparages losers. But maybe it’s wisdom. What quicker way would there be to make America great again, right now, than by removing South Carolina?

Photo of the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Bojangles’ Southern 500 via Getty

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