Dino Bouterse — the son of Suriname President Desi Bouterse — was charged Friday with running a cocaine-smuggling operation into the US and openly brandishing a rocket launcher.

According to federal prosecutors, Bouterse conspired with another man in July to smuggle a suitcase filled with 22 pounds of cocaine onto a commercial flight from Suriname to the Caribbean. It is not clear how or when he used the "light anti-tank weapon," "a launcher containing a rocket, and pistols,” according to the indictment.

Bouterse was arrested Thursday at Panama City International Airport while traveling with a diplomatic passport. He was extradited to the US and charged Friday in New York City.

The 40-year-old was previously convicted by a Suriname court of trafficking in cocaine, illegal firearms and stolen cars in 2005, but served only three years. His father was elected president of the country in 2010. Bouterse currently serves as the director of Suriname's Counter Terrorism Unit.

Bouterse's father, a former drug trafficker and accused murderer, is currently hosting the UNASUR summit for leaders of South American countries. According to the Washington Post, officials announced on Friday that the younger Bouterse's speech would "be postponed by several hours."

Bouterse was held after his arraignment, and a hearing has been set for September 9.

[TWP, image via AP]