Robby Gabbert, a soldier currently deployed to Afghanistan, was heartbroken to find that his ex-girlfriend, who was supposed to be taking care of his dog, Baxter, had sold the Shiba Inu on Craigslist. After a widespread internet campaign, though, Baxter is headed back to Robby's family.

Gabbert posted this message to Craigslist last week:

I am currently deployed and my ex sold my dog. I just found out and I am trying to find the people (person) who bought him. I will pay anything to get him back. His name is Baxster and he is an Shiba Inu. I do not have my phone with me. You can email me. The phone number is my mom's she is helping me locate him. If you have any information PLEASE give us a call or an email.

The posting tugged at people's heartstrings, and a Facebook campaign aided by a Colorado-area Shiba Inu rescue helped figure out where Baxter had gone. Unfortunately, the family who bought him was reluctant to give him back. After just one week, their kids had become "attached" to the dog.

The story made the local news and, by Monday, Robby's friends and supporters raised $1,400 to offer the family as a reward for Baxter's return.

Although several sources are reporting that the family who purchased Baxter is still clinging to the dog, it looks like they've agreed to give him back to Robby's family, where he'll stay until Robby comes home.

Colorado news station KOAA 5 posted this update on Facebook:

We just got word from organizers of the "Help Bring Baxter Home 2014" Facebook page that they have the family's word that Baxter will be returned to Robby. They are still reaching an agreement, but the Facebook page has been removed at the family's request.

A happy ending for Baxter and Robby, but a sad one for the family who thought they were legitimately adopting a Shiba Inu.

[H/T KOAA. Photo: Facebook]