Valentine's Day is right around the corner, ladies—and we mean, like, tomorrow. If that Hallmark-propelled fact leaves you sad-face-emoji rather than heart-eyes-emoji, don't fret. There are still a number of attractive, eligible bachelors right here in New York City. (And we're sure there are a bunch in other cities, too! Just focusing on New York City specifically for this article.)

You might be thinking, "Thanks to this New York Post article about a dating app, I've already gotten my fill of eligible bachelors. I know what's out there, and I love it—but, frankly, I know it!" We get that. But trust us when we say you're gonna wanna meet these guys, too.

And hey—there's no such thing as too much of a good thing.

Especially not on Valentine's Day.

Airplane Man

Occupation: Real estate developer

Best date ever: "Rather than go out for dinner and a movie, or stay in for take out and Netflix, I decided to spice things up. Why not, right? So I planned a ride on my airplane wings to the tippy top of a building, and then a picnic under the stars. She was a little scared at first, but ended up loving it."

Ideal date: "A ride on my airplane wings is a must."

Go-to date dinner: "Steak and potatoes au gratin."

Most embarrassing dating moment: "Haha. Oh, god. I had so many bugs on my wings. I normally keep them pretty clean because I don't want to corrode the aluminum, but I was super busy at work and had to run right to drinks afterwards. She was like, '...Uhhhh.' Didn't end up with a second date, but I like to think things like that are meant to be."

Sex on a first date is: "Hey, if you're feeling it, you're feeling it!"

Secret solo behavior: "I know it sounds crazy, but every once in a while I love to crawl around on the ground like a little train."

TV Guy

Occupation: Financial services

Worst date: "Had to be the time this girl showed up an hour late. (Mostly I was embarrassed that I hadn't left yet.) We were supposed to go out for a movie after grabbing drinks, but the sparks weren't flying, so we decided to call it off. At one point she was like, 'Why do you even want to see a movie?' There are a lot of rude people out there."

Ideal date: "A walk in the park, leading up to my favorite little spot where I've stashed champagne and other goodies. And, you know, I'd love it if the girl could keep her eyes up here, for once! Just kidding."

Secret solo behavior: "Turning myself on and off. Ah, I know, I know."

Sex on a first date is: "Hah. I'm down for whatever, but I'm not pushy."

Ideal girlfriend: "Michelle Obama."

Little Sandwich

Occupation: Advertising

Go-to date dinner: "I know what you're thinking—no, not a little sandwich! Haha, wouldn't that be funny, though? Steak and potatoes au gratin."

Ideal girlfriend: "Taylor Swift, but with a little Beyoncé in there, too."

Date he'd love to go on: "I'd love to take a trip on a boat, way far out there."

Worst walk of shame ever: "Night after my office Christmas party, shoeless, in a snowstorm—god, don't ask!"

Best pickup line: "Hungry?"

iPhone 6

Occupation: iPhone 6

Best date ever: "As long as I've got a full charge and I'm with someone I care about, every date is the best date ever."

Ideal date: "I know that men are supposed to surprise women with fancy dates, but I'd love it if a woman could surprise me. Take me to my favorite bar, have my favorite record on the jukebox. Maybe some sort of vacation. I don't know, I'm not picky!"

Go-to date dinner: "I don't eat, to be honest."

Most embarrassing dating moment: "Oh, god, I've got a whole host of them! I guess—and I hate to admit that this has happened more than once—the most embarrassing thing is always when I run out of battery. It's like, 'uh, hello?'"

Sex on a first date is: "I don't do it, generally, but I can be convinced."

Secret solo behavior: "Video games."

Jesse Eisenberg

The "Comedian"

Occupation: "Comedian"

Go-to date dinner: "Anyplace where splitting the bill won't cost me an arm and a leg! Haha. No, no—I'm just kidding."

What he finds sexy in a date: "Oh, you know, eyes, a face, the basic ability to function as a human. Haha!"

Go-to pickup line: "Wanna hear a joke from a comedian?"

Pickup line success rate: "100%"

Favorite flirting emoji: "Flame."

Why he'd make a great boyfriend: "I don't take myself too seriously—I mean, that's kind of my job."


Occupation: Fork.

First date prep: "Shining my body, which sounds weirder than it is, I swear."

Go-to date dinner: "Salad."

Favorite flirting emoji: "Is there a fork? I don't have emojis on my phone, but they do seem fun!"

Longest date he's ever been on: "Three days."

Dating strategy: "Always always let her know in advance that I'm a fork. I've run into trouble in the past and I've learned that leaving it as a surprise almost never works out."

Why he'd make a great boyfriend: "I'm a fork. I hate to be boastful, but what more can I say!"

[image via Shutterstock, Jesse image via Getty]