Photo: AP

Donald Trump’s rapid descent into madness this week has apparently alarmed his senior aides so much that they’re reportedly planning an intervention to beg Trump to be a different person, at least until the election is over.

According to NBC, “key Republicans” including RNC chair Reince Priebus, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and almost-VP Newt Gingrich, plan to sit Trump down to discuss some of the choices he’s made of late, which include attacks on the father of a dead soldier; attacks on two separate fire marshals doing their jobs; attacks on a baby; attacks on two senior Republicans who endorsed him; and the bizarre claim that his daughter would never allow herself to be sexually harassed at work, notwithstanding the fact that she still works for him. They’re hoping for a “dramatic reset,” to which I say—good luck.

The plan, NBC reports, is still in its early stages and the participating advisors reportedly hope to enlist the help of Trump’s children, who seem to be the only people he listens to—campaign advisor Paul Manafort is reportedly “mailing it in” at this point, while his staff feels “suicidal.” Sources tell NBC the current climate within the campaign is “Crazytown” and “worse than ever.”

In the meantime, members of Trump’s senior staff called in together to CNN this morning to claim they’re not frustrated, as sure a sign as any that things are very bad.

Chris Christie, NBC’s Katy Tur reports, will not be participating in the intervention because he is still bitter he wasn’t selected as Trump’s vice president. Probably for the best.