“I lived most of my life sexually assaulting kids—I never went to jail,” said 56-year-old Roy Bay at last night’s Jacksonville City Council meeting in Florida. During the meeting, many spoke in favor and against expanding the city’s Human Rights Ordinance to include LGBT people. Bay (and possibly his church*) apparently thought sharing his horrific story of preying on children (for 20 years, according to a follow-up interview by Jacksonville’s Action News) would bolster the side against expanding the HRO. The idiocy is nauseating.

The conceit of Bay’s reveal was to conflate pedophilia with homosexuality. He claimed he was sexually assaulted between the ages of 10 and 12 “by the homosexual community.”

“I entered into the life of homosexuality and did the same thing, because that’s what I thought life was all about: going into bathrooms of places and businesses and sexually assaulting kids,” he continued.

Bay claimed that “this happens in the homosexual lifestyle, over and over, OK?” “It’s been happening for years,” he added. Bay said after becoming a “born-again child of God, God set me free from that lifestyle.” And then people cheered and were reprimanded for doing so.

“If this bill does pass, it will unfortunately become more acceptable than what it is now,” is how Bay, a liar who molested children for 20 years by his account, concluded.

To Action News, Bay claimed to have done his molesting in St. Louis. Additionally, according to the site:

We reached out to police in St. Louis and emailed them the man’s picture. We are waiting to hear if they have any record of him or the attacks.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was at the council meeting and say they are now investigating, but the man was allowed to leave the meeting.

Regarding the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, current Missouri law states:

Prosecutions for unlawful sexual offenses involving a person eighteen years of age or under must be commenced within thirty years after the victim reaches the age of eighteen unless the prosecutions are for rape in the first degree, forcible rape, attempted rape in the first degree, attempted forcible rape, sodomy in the first degree, forcible sodomy, kidnapping, attempted sodomy in the first degree, or attempted forcible sodomy in which case such prosecutions may be commenced at any time.

In other words, Bay could be charged for at least some of his offenses (he claims he changed his ways in 1985).