Sometimes it’s better not to know what the majority of people believe, because it will scare you. In this case, it’s just too late.

After Donald Trumps’ saddening win in the Republican primary in South Carolina on Saturday, an exit poll conducted by CBS found that a hell of a lot of Republican voters agree with Trump’s nightmare plan to ban all Muslims from the U.S. From CBS:

Three-quarters of GOP primary voters support Donald Trump’s proposal to block Muslims from entering the United States. Twenty-three percent, on the other hand, said they oppose the proposed ban.

Voters, in their infinite wisdom, also said that prefer someone with no political experience (48 percent to 46 percent who prefer an established politician), because, as they say, an inexperienced candidate is the best candidate.

There were no questions about voters’ preference on the use of bullets dipped in pigs’ blood, but we can assume that the policy would garner resounding support.

[Image via Getty]

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