Image: Getty

Donald Trump is busy distancing himself from former butler Anthony Senecal—a man who Trump previously saw as “irreplaceable” according to The New York Times. Because friends, Donald Trump wants you to know he is not a racist. Just like he wanted you to know he was not a racist four years ago when he said, “How can I be a racist? I just picked Arsenio Hall [for The Apprentice]. Give me a break.”

The remarks came during North Carolina’s Republican convention, when friend-to-all-races Donald Trump decided to take the opportunity to dispel some notions that had cropped up in the midst of his birther campaign against President Obama—like the notion that he was a raging racist, specifically.

Rather than go with the classic “some of my best friends are” so on and so forth, Trump took the businessman’s route:

I mean, I don’t want to bring up a very successful show called The Apprentice. I assume you all watch The Apprentice? Where Arsenio Hall—somebody said because I brought up the birth certificate, I’m a racist. [laughter] I said, “How can I be a racist? I just picked Arsenio Hall. Give me a break.”

Case closed. A racist would never allow his producers to pick the (sole) black contestant on a mediocre reality show to be his fake assistant for a few press photos.

Just as a racist would never say that he “would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today,” as Donald Trump did in 1989.” Nor that he is “the least racist person there is.”

You see, Donald Trump can’t possibly be a racist like his close, personal friend and former butler Anthony Senecal. Otherwise Arsenio Hall would be unemployed.

Now, let’s build that wall.