A "plus size" Pizza Hut customer in Singapore says the company disrespected her when an employee referred to her as "Pink Fat Lady" on her takeout receipt.

"Just feel insulted. What's wrong being plus size? I'm a customer n I pay for my pizza!" wrote Aili Si on Facebook Sunday, under a photo of the receipt for two pizzas and the handwritten insult.

The Facebook post blew up overnight, and now has hundreds of comments, mostly from supporters of Pink Fat Lady. Pizza Hut Singapore also left its official response:

This definitely rocked us in our seats. That should not have happened at all and we feel that we cannot begin to appropriately apologise to you at this point, but we are, indeed, sorry for this. We're glad you brought this to our attention. Our team is keen on finding out further details of this incident in order to launch an investigation.

The company also left a corporate-speak apology on its own Facebook page, where the comments are not quite so supportive, telling Si that she deserved what she got and accusing her of fabricating the whole thing to score some free pizza.

[Photo: Facebook]