Marco Rubio Is Really Doing This

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/22/16 11:45AM

Marco Rubio, who swore up and down he was done with the Senate, is now running for reelection, using the excuse that he was called into action by the Orlando Pulse attack. That’s a lie, and it’s a deeply cynical lie.

You Don't Have the Range

Tom Scocca · 06/22/16 11:25AM

Late yesterday morning, a funny thing was published on the Internet. It was a series of posts by whoever has the user account @KingBeyonceStan, built around a recurring motif or punchline:

Homeland Security Analyst Under Investigation For Conspiring to Commit Workplace Violence

Brendan O'Connor · 06/22/16 07:11AM

Earlier this month, Jonathan Wienke, an analyst in the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, was arrested after carrying a gun, a knife, an infrared camera, pepper spray, and handcuffs into the agency’s headquarters. Now, court filings show, federal prosecutors are investigating whether Wienke was planning an attack on senior DHS officials.

Everything We Know About the Shady "Draper Sterling" Getting Paid by the Trump Campaign

Ashley Feinberg · 06/21/16 03:20PM

Donald Trump’s most recent expenditure report is a disaster perfectly befitting the campaign from whence it came. And of all the campaign’s various questionable spending decisions ($208,000 on hats), one recipient in particular stands out—mostly because it’s named after a fake advertising company from Mad Men.

"We Don't Know Anything About Hillary in Terms of Religion," Says Donald Trump

Andy Cush · 06/21/16 02:13PM

Hillary Clinton is a Methodist Christian. She grew up in a Methodist household, and taught adult Sunday school classes at her parish long before becoming first lady. This information is extremely easy to find, such as by typing “Hillary Clinton religion” into the search engine of your choice and pressing Enter on your keyboard. Despite this, Donald Trump seems to think his competitor’s religious affiliation are still up for debate.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/16 01:40PM

Scientists say the number of annual “extreme heat” days in Los Angeles could increase by 800% over the course of this century. Good thing future L.A. residents will have futuristic air-conditioning in their self-driving cars as they sit in future sweltering traffic jams, wondering where their dreams went wrong.