Who Is Really Behind the Anti-Trump Delegate Unbinding Movement?

Brendan O'Connor · 06/28/16 01:50PM

Given that a majority of Republican voters (52 percent!) would prefer someone other than Donald Trump as their presidential candidate, it comes as no surprise that a movement would emerge intent on realizing such a possibility, forcing a floor fight at the upcoming Republican National Convention and throwing an already flagging party into further disarray. The anti-Trump “Free the Delegates” group wants to persuade the Convention Rules Committee to adopt a “conscience clause,” which would allow delegates to avoid voting for a candidate who they feel is offensive to their religious or moral beliefs.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 01:20PM

After a 4-4 ruling following the death of Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court says it will not reopen the Friedrichs case about public union dues, which means that public unions are safe, for now. Please laugh in Chris Christie’s stupid face today, if you see him.

Cormac McCarthy Isn't Dead, But an Old Prankster Tricked USA Today Into Reporting He was

Jordan Sargent · 06/28/16 01:02PM

This morning, esteemed bus terminal periodical USA Today reported stunning news: Author Cormac McCarthy had died suddenly at the age of 82. The news was posted to the paper’s Twitter account in a tweet that has since been deleted because Cormac McCarthy is not actually dead—he was only pronounced so by an Italian prankster who has made it his life’s mission to exploit the burden of efficiency that weighs on journalists everywhere.

White Republicans Are Delusional on Race

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 10:10AM

In our sharply divided partisan era, it is common for each side of the political spectrum to accuse the other of failing to understand reality. But a new survey conveniently proves that white Republicans are living in a fantasy world when it comes to race in America.

David Brooks Is a Working Class Hero

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/16 08:25AM

David Brooks, the Mr. Rogers of the New York Times, has some penetrating thoughts about the “working-class parts of America,” on which he is a well-known expert.

Does Donald Trump Still Want to Ban Muslims?

Brendan O'Connor · 06/28/16 07:33AM

The Associated Press has a report today on Donald Trump’s “evolving” Muslim ban. The proposal was always short on details—“Because I am so politically correct, I would never be the one to say. You figure it out!” he wrote to the AP in an email—but every attempt to clarify has only confused the issue further.