Tim Kaine's Former Body Man: "I Don't Think He's Boring"

Brendan O'Connor · 07/22/16 07:43PM

Earlier this week, Gawker received an email from one Beau Cribbs, Senator Tim Kaine’s body man from 2008 to 2010, when he was governor of Virginia. “My job was sort of like Tony Hale’s on ‘VEEP,’ but only slightly less pathetic,” Cribbs wrote. Aw.

Black Elementary School Teacher Body-Slammed By Cop and Lectured on "Violent Tendencies" of Black People

Marina Galperina · 07/22/16 05:26PM

On June 15, 2015, Breaion King, an African American elementary school teacher, was approached by Austin police officer Bryan Richter in a parking lot. The officer said she was driving 15 miles over the speed limit. As captured on two police videos—obtained by Austin American-Statesman and KVUE yesterday, more than a year after the incident—King was then body-slammed, thrown to the ground repeatedly and pulled violently by her arms, which were handcuffed and jerked in a 90-degree angle. Austin officials are investigating the case.

BuzzFeed's President Donated $10,000 to the DNC Two Weeks Before BuzzFeed Canceled Its Ad Deal With the RNC 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/22/16 04:45PM

According to hacked DNC emails published by Wikileaks, BuzzFeed president Greg Coleman made a $10,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee on May 23 for an event hosted by BuzzFeed chairman Ken Lerer and attended by President Obama—just two weeks before BuzzFeed’s advertising department canceled a $1.3 million ad deal with the Republican National Committee.

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Plans To Run For Senate After Seeing How Well Donald Trump Did  

Marina Galperina · 07/22/16 02:17PM

“I am overjoyed to see Donald Trump and most Americans embrace most of the issues that I have championed for years,” says Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke in a video announcement of his plans to run for U.S. Senate in Louisiana today, the day after he came out in praise of Trump’s Republican nominee acceptance speech. Among other white-supremacist things the famous white-supremacist said are:

Queer People Sure As Hell Won’t Be Seduced By Trump If He Doesn’t Even Know Who We Are

Rich Juzwiak · 07/22/16 10:30AM

“Only weeks ago in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist. This time, the terrorist target: LGBTQ community. No good, and we’re gonna stop it,” said Donald Trump during his presidential nomination acceptance speech last night. The abbreviation that was supposed to represent the United States’ queer population was reduced to alphabet soup dribbling off Trump’s lazy tongue; he stumbled between the “G” and the “B”. “LGBTQ” is a catch-all for queerness that attempts to be inclusive while reflecting diversity. In another context, this could be sneered at as “politically correct,” but coming from Trump’s mouth, it sounded flattened so impersonal as to border on the clinical. At the RNC, “LGBTQ” existed in the abstract—just as the threat of Islamic radicals to this country’s queer population that Trump says he’s gonna stop did.

Guard Reportedly Falsified Records in Bizarre Jailhouse Death of Sandra Bland

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/22/16 09:04AM

The improbable jailhouse death of 28-year-old Sandra Bland, who was put behind bars over a traffic infraction and found dead in her cell three days later, has gotten even murkier with the reported testimony of a guard who now admits he falsified records of her time in jail.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/16 08:42AM

In Phoenix, an apparent serial killer is “shooting people seemingly at random in their cars or driveways.” Dang.

In His Own Words: Trump On "Violence, Hatred, Or Oppression"

Timothy Burke · 07/21/16 10:01PM

Tonight Donald Trump told the world that “Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never will be.” Trump, of course, has never endorsed violence, hatred, or oppression—as you can see in the above video.

Clammy Billionaire Peter Thiel Charms the Republican National Convention With Extremely Fast Speech

Brendan O'Connor · 07/21/16 09:07PM

CLEVELAND — Like pretty much everything else this week, Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday was not glaringly evil but mostly...pretty boring. “When Donald Trump asks us to Make America Great Again, he’s not suggesting a return to the past,” Thiel told the convention. “He’s running to lead us back to that bright future.” So: boring and incoherent.