Andrew Breitbart Would Have Loved the Trump Campaign

Alex Pareene · 08/17/16 04:55PM

The legacy of Andrew Breitbart, the late founder of the Breitbart News Network, has been invoked repeatedly during this election cycle, mainly by people who insist that he would not have allowed his media outlet to have become a sort of house organ of the Donald Trump campaign. Former Breitbart contributor Ben Shapiro, who resigned from the site in March, has been particularly adamant that the site’s support for Trump is a betrayal of all that Breitbart the man stood for.

You'll Never Guess Who's Angry About CNN "Deceptively" Editing a Video of Sylville Smith's Sister

Andy Cush · 08/17/16 03:55PM

In a recent segment, CNN used a short clip featuring the sister of Sylville Smith, a man who was shot dead by a Milwaukee police officer on Saturday. In CNN’s version of the clip, Sherelle Smith can be heard telling a crowd of onlookers, “Don’t bring the violence here, and the ignorance here.” Later, in a portion of her speech that CNN didn’t air, Smith suggested that if the crowd wanted to riot, they should “take that shit to the suburbs, burn that shit down.”

Which Retail Experience Do You Seek Out When You Desperately Need to Relax?

J.K. Trotter · 08/17/16 03:17PM

In these trying times, a little retail therapy can do wonders when you’re stressed out of your mind and/or uncertain about your future. (By “retail therapy” I mean: Entering a store, walking around a bit, then leaving without buying anything.) So where do you go when you need your kick? My go-to options are:

The Sentence for Hasidic Men Who Beat and Blinded a Black Gay Man: Community Service

Rich Juzwiak · 08/17/16 02:41PM

Soon after surviving a 2013 beating in Williamsburg that left him blind in his right eye, then 22-year-old Taj Patterson told NBC New York, “I want these people to know they can’t put their hands on anyone and get away with it, and think just because you have on certain attire you can get away with certain things. We’re all equal here.” But the majority of the five men who were investigated for committing a hate crime on Patterson, in fact, have gotten away with it.

Bring Your Dog to Our Office

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/16 12:53PM

What’s happening to our website? Who owns us now? Who’s in charge? Nobody knows. Why don’t you bring us a dog?

Fate of Remains Unclear After Univision Acquisition of Gawker Media

J.K. Trotter · 08/17/16 11:28AM

Following a day-long auction against the online publisher Ziff Davis, the media conglomerate Univision is buying Gawker Media’s assets—including Deadspin, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, and Lifehacker—for $135 million. However, the fate of the company’s flagship website,, remains unclear.

How to Do Celebrity Journalism Good 

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/16 09:10AM

Imagine that you are a journalist, tasked with crafting a true, powerful, and insightful piece of writing about a well known celebrity that can puncture their veil of false mystique. Here is how it’s done.