What havoc has been wreaked by Beyoncé’s black pride and the mere suggestion that she’s sick of the blatant disregard for black lives that some police officers exhibit? A real live shooting outside of the Tennessee home of Rutherford County Sheriff Robert Arnold, for one, according to that sheriff. Regarding eight shots Arnold heard last night outside his home, the sheriff told local news station WATE:

Once I kind of figured everything out you know, with everything that’s happened since the Super Bowl, and with law enforcement as a whole, I mean I think we have lost five to seven officers, five deputies and sheriff’s since Sunday’s Super Bowl. You know, that’s what I am thinking. You know here is another target on law enforcement.

WATE adds:

When asked to clarify what he meant by Super Bowl, he said, “well you have Beyoncé’s video and how that’s kind of led over into other things it seems like, about law enforcement.”

OK, ladies, now let’s get information...about Arnold. WATE reports:

In May 2015 Arnold’s home and office were raided by the FBI, TBI and Rutherford County Sheriff’s office. An allegation of public corruption against Arnold stemmed from a contract the company JailCigs had with the sheriff’s office, where it sold e-cigarettes to inmates as a source of income.

Chief Deputy of Administration Joe Russell and Arnold’s aunt and uncle co-own the company. Arnold listed the company as a source of income, but said he did not believe it was a conflict of interest.

Sounds like a smart guy who has everything figured out, as his initial quote states.

[Image via Getty]