Carl Bernstein, best known as Dustin Hoffman in the 1970s Watergate thriller All the President's Men, is the latest political/media victim of a hacker known only as Guccifer. Bernstein got his email hacked by the mystery prankster, and now joins an exclusive list of old "e-victims" including George W. Bush and Sex and the City author Candice Bushnell.

Who's next, David Gergen? Joan Rivers?

Guccifer's previous targets include Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Colin Powell—whose AOL account held all sorts of exchanges with Washington figures such as Richard Armitage, George Tenet and John Negroponte. But the hacker's greatest discovery was a trove of recent avant garde paintings by former president George W. Bush.

Bernstein was half of the Washington Post duo that pursued the Watergate office building burglary that led to Richard Nixon's resignation to avoid impeachment. This week, Bernstein has been doing what he usually does, which is compare today's headlines to Watergate.

“This is intimidation, this is wrong; the president of the United States should have long ago put a stop to this in his presidency,” Bernstein said about the Justice Department's spying on Associated Press reporters that was revealed Monday.

“In the Nixon White House, we heard the president of the United States on tape saying ‘Use the IRS to get back on our enemies,” Bernstein said a day earlier, about the IRS scrutiny of Tea Party groups, “We know a lot about President Obama, and I think the idea that he would want the IRS used for retribution, we have no evidence of any such thing.”

Bernstein has been comparing everything to Watergate for nearly four decades. The best stuff in his email was reportedly an exchange with director Steven Soderbergh from a couple of years ago:

[Photo via Getty Images./Screen cap via "Guccifer."]