A New York City postal worker has been charged with a hate crime for harassing a Muslim woman pushing her infant child in a stroller, according to reports.

Dainton Coley allegedly approached two women wearing hijabs on Nostrand Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant after 8 p.m. Friday, according to the New York Daily News.

Coley, who was wearing a U.S. Postal Service uniform, began cursing at her and making “anti-Muslim comments,” police said.

“You bumbaclot Muslim,” Coley said, firing off a Jamaican expletive, according to police sources. “I’m going to burn your Muslim temple down.”

Coley reportedly spit on the woman pushing the stroller. According to an AP report, Coley chased the two women into a nearby deli, where the situation did not improve:

Coley then followed them around the store, screaming obscenities, and told the woman he was going to burn down her place of worship, authorities said.

The Daily News says one of the women called Coley crazy, to which he reportedly responded, “I’m not crazy, I work in the post office.” Which, hmmm.

Coley was reportedly taken into custody today and charged with aggravated harassment based on race or religion, menacing as a hate crime, and child endangerment.

[Associated Press] [New York Daily News]

Image via New York Daily News