In a bid to distract from its nuclear weapons program, North Korea announced it will send cheerleaders to South Korea. The DPRK has done this only a handful of times since the Korean War, always in attempts to ease tensions between the two Koreas. The cheerleaders will travel with athletes to the Asian Games in Incheon this September.

Right now, South Korea wants North Korea to stop claiming that its nuclear weapons program will promote peace in the region. "DPRK should not repeat its unreasonable claims, but return to the dialogue table," South Korea's Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Eui-do said during a press briefing. Last week, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Chinese President Xi Jinping asked North Korea to denuclearize.

North Korea hasn't responded to these requests, but earlier today it released a four-point plan to ease tensions and work towards the "independent reunification" of the two Koreas.

The statement announcing the plan to send cheerleaders said the cheering girls will "create an atmosphere" of reconciliation. The last time the North sent cheerleaders to the South (for the 2005 Asian Games), one of them ended up marrying Kim Jong-Un.

[Image via AP]