Daughter-to-the-Stars Nicole Richie claims she was walking through LAX after arriving from NYC when she spotted a man snapping a photo of her while his little daughter lay on the floor crying.

She quickly took out her own camera and snapped him right back.

"This paparazzi (sic) dragged his poor, sweet little girl on my plane from NYC to LA," Richie told her Instagram followers. "As he ran her off the plane, he dropped her ON THE FLOOR of LAX as she laid there, crying her eyes out.. Just to get his shot. #Heartbreaking #FatherOfTheYear."

It is unclear when the other two photos were shot, though it's possible Richie took them after the fact.

Surprisingly, some of Richie's fans responded negatively to her suggestion that the man was a bad dad simply for bringing his daughter to work with him.

"Not everyone can afford nannies or daycares," said one. "The fact that the girls is on the ground ... as a mother you should know what a tantrum is."

[H/T: The Blemish, screengrab via Instagram]