Col Allan, editor-in-chief of the New York Post and possible alcoholic pig-fucker, is leaving New York for Australia for at least three months to advise News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams.

Allan drew ire in the US recently after he first defended, then apologized for, a Post front page that identified two innocent men as Boston bomber suspects. They are now suing the paper for libel, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and invasion of privacy.

Nor is Allan a stranger to controversy in Australia — he was at the center of a scandal involving Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after he got Rudd drunk and took him to see strippers at Scores in 2007. The Prime Minister was allegedly admonished for touching the dancers and he and Allen were asked to leave.

According to the Sunday Morning Herald, Allan's sojourn to Oz may be longer than three months — friends of Allan "say his tenure could be extended indefinitely."
