Kanye West, a delicate, mysterious seahorse of a man swathed in only the most expensive and softest of linens, was late to his commercial flight from Paris to Helsinki yesterday, but no matter. A flight from Paris to Helsinki waits for Kanye West.

Page Six reports:

"The whole flight was waiting on one of those buses that ferries passengers from the gate to the plane. Kanye and his assistant boarded in a huff," our source says. "The assistant sprinted to the bus from the gate with all of the travel documents, while Kanye walked casually behind him. They did not apologize for keeping everyone."

Once West, 37, finally arrived at the aircraft and boarded, he took his seat in first class. As coach class boarded, a European couple asked the 21-time Grammy Award winner for a photo but Mr. Kim Kardashian refused.

"He initially seemed to say yes, but then pointed at the line of passengers behind them waiting to board and declined … mostly through hand gestures. He was almost mute. He was not talkative at all," our source adds.

Kanye must be very fun in a game of charades. Another passenger reported that Kanye gave him a reluctant fist bump.

In Kanye's defense, the flight was scheduled to leave at 7:35 a.m. In my personal experience, I have a lot of trouble interacting with my fans before 9:30 a.m.

[Pic via AP]