Florida's largest, wildest retirement community, The Villages (population 107,000), apparently has a public sex problem. Deputies arrested a couple Monday for fucking out in the open on top of an electrical box, the second such arrest in 4 months.

According to police reports posted by The Smoking Gun, 40-year-old Charm Gilbert was lying naked on the electrical box when deputies approached. Her shorts and underwear were "fully off exposing her vagina." Her partner, 47-year-old James Adams, was "standing naked with his penis in his hand."

The couple told deputies they picked the spot because they had nowhere else to go. Both lived within 2 miles of where they were arrested.

In June, the Daily Mail investigated "Florida's Friendliest Retirement Hometown," after a 68-year-old woman and her much younger partner were arrested for having drunken sex in one of the community's town squares.

"Dozens of couples have been caught copulating outdoors before but police rarely issue more than a warning for fear of mucking up the area's low crime figures," the Mail said at the time, also claiming the Village is home to a "thriving swingers' scene" and a black market for Viagra.

The Villages were also the subject of Andrew Blechman's 2009 book Leisureville: Adventures in a World Without Children. After the June arrest, Blechman told the Daily Mail, "It's important to recognize that this is one incident in a city of 100,000 people, many of whom go to bed before 10pm."

Margaret Klemm, the woman arrested in that incident, now has a cocktail named after her at a local bar: the "Sex on the Square."

[h/t Smoking Gun, Photo: Sumter County Sheriff's Office]