A major Canadian city woke up to find out that its mayor had been arrested at his home early this morning. And it wasn't even the guy who smoked crack on video!

Montreal Mayor Michael Applebaum was taken into custody at 6 a.m. by Quebec's anti-corruption unit—the same force that raided City Hall in February. The charges against him will be announced at 10 a.m.; earlier this year, Le Devoir reported that he was being investigated over real estate transactions that took place while he was mayor of the Montreal borough Notre-Dâme-de-Grace.

Applebaum was appointed interim mayor in November when his predecessor, Gérald Tremblay, resigned following the Charbonneau Commission's investigation into corruption. (By comparison, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who was filmed smoking crack cocaine, has been in office almost exactly four times as long as Applebaum.)

In other mayoral news, someone threw juice at Rob Ford this weekend.