A top aide for Michele Bachmann has been arrested and charged in connection with a string of burglaries in the Rayburn House Office Building, one of the office buildings for the House of Representatives.

According to Fox News and ABC News, Javier Sanchez, a senior legislative assistant to Rep. Bachmann, was arrested July 11 and charged with “Theft II,” though early reports didn't specify what that charge meant. We'll update as more information becomes available.

UPDATE 8:29 PM: NBC's Washington DC affiliate is now reporting that Sanchez was fired Monday evening.

Politico has more on the arrest:

Capitol Police were made aware of the thefts “earlier this year” and identified Sanchez after an investigation, said Shennell Antrobus, a spokesman for the department. Sanchez was arrested for theft II — allegedly stealing less than $1,000 worth of goods.

[Image via AP]