Joe Jackson, horrible father and slightly-less-horrible manager to the Jackson 5, has been hospitalized in São Paolo, Brazil, after suffering a stroke, USA Today reports. He was in the country to celebrate his 87th birthday. Michael Jackson, the son whose talent and fortune sustain Joe’s continued existence as a shambling, womanizing wax figure, died in 2009 at age 50.

This is not the first stroke for the elder Jackson, who had suffered three of them by 2012. Unconfirmed reports claim this latest episode left him temporarily blind. He’s currently in Albert Einstein hospital’s ICU with an irregular heartbeart.

According to infrequently reliable source MediaTakeOut, Jackson and his new girlfriend were “in BED TOGETHER when he suffered his stroke. It’s not clear WHAT THEY WERE DOING in the bed.”

Jackson is still legally married to his estranged wife Katherine, the guardian of Michael Jackson’s three children, although the two have lived apart for years. He’s been accused of numerous infidelities and of beating his children, including Michael, early in their careers.

“He would make you strip nude first. He would oil you down. It would be a whole ritual. He would oil you down so when the flip of an ironing cord hit you, you know, and, it was just like me dying, and you had whips all over your face, your back, everywhere. And I always hear my mother like, ‘No, Joe, you’re gonna kill him. You’re gonna kill him. No.’ And I would just give up, like there was nothing I could do. And I hated him for it. Hated him,” Michael told his former spiritual advisor, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, in interviews that were collected after his death.

Michael Jackson’s will left nothing to Joe, creating a trust that would be distributed to his mother and his three kids. Regardless, Joe told Extra after his son’s death in 2009 that Michael was “worth more dead than alive.”

“Evil lives a long time … and he is certainly that,” a family friend told reporter Diane Diamond back in 2o12, after one of Jackson’s previous strokes.

[h/t MediaTakeOut, Photo: AP Images]