On Wednesday, local news station WPSD 6 caught Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul discussing the GOP's government shutdown strategy on a hot mic.

“I just did CNN,” Paul said. “I just said over and over again, 'We're willing to compromise. We're willing to negotiate.' I don't think [Democrats] poll tested 'We won't negotiate.' I think it's awful for [Democrats] to say that over and over again”

"Yeah, I do too,” McConnell said. “I just came back from that two hour meeting with them and that, and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly.”

"I think if we keep saying, 'We wanted to defund it. We fought for that and that we're willing to compromise on this', I think they can't, we're gonna, I think... well, I know we don't want to be here, but we're gonna win this, I think,” Paul said, before walking away.

Neither Paul nor McConnell said anything about the GOP's apparent strategy of attempting to shame Park Rangers and hitting on CNN anchors.