Two adult men dressed in super hero costumes—Captain American and Batman to be exact—rescued a cat from a burning home in Milton, West Virginia on Saturday, proving finally that adult men dressed in super hero costumes are actually good for something.

Jeff Buckland and Troy Marcum were dressed up for work at former firefighter Buckland’s “Heroes 4 Higher,” a business designed for children and adults who need positive motivational messages from men dressed in hero costumes. While presenting a lesson to children at a local American Legion Post, both men spotted a house fire and rushed toward the flames to see if anyone needed help.

Marcum (Captain America) immediately broke a window and Buckland (Batman) reached down and grabbed “something furry.” Batman then pulled the cat out of the window and somehow managed to resuscitate it. Luckily, there was no one else in the home as the owners were out of town, so it’s unclear who was feeding the cat or if it was the cat who started the fire, which I'd like to believe it probably did. And the news reports don't specify the cat’s gender or name, making the story slightly less cute, but we'll take what we can get.

[Image via WCHS TV]