So you've just been arrested, and you're wondering what you should wear when you're booked into jail. Worry not, as there's one surefire way to nail it with style and grace: just wear any old shirt, but print the mugshot from a previous arrest on the front. You'll knock 'em out.

Take Robert Burt, for example, a 19-year old who began a short sentence for drunken driving earlier this month. When he showed up to be processed, he wore a smart orange tee—a little baggy in the shoulders, maybe—with his arrest photo, from June, on the front. See how good it looks? Note how his nonplussed expression mirrors the face on the shirt, and his eyebrows look like two tiny mustaches, framing his face just so.

Below the photo is some text: BURT FAMILY REUNION, 8/8 - 8/10/2014, SPONSORED BY BUD LIGHT AND SOMERSET COUNTY SHERIFF. A family member of Burt's, we are to assume, was also locked up at the time. The police who took the photo, Burt said after his two-day incarceration was up, "were laughing their asses off," and asked him to hold his placard so that the photo was visible.

"I'm out bitchs," he reportedly wrote on Facebook, celebrating his release. Out and looking good, Robert. We salute you.

[Image via Somerset County Jail]