A criminally thirsty Tulsa woman was arrested on Thursday after allegedly trying to bite off her boyfriend's penis in his sleep, KOTV reports.

According to police, 31-year-old Amber Ellis and the unnamed victim had been drinking Wednesday night when they started to argue "about how needy she had become." From KJRH:

The couple verbally fought in the apartment until the victim told police Ellis stormed off, slamming the bedroom door.

Police say the victim fell asleep on the couch only to wake up to find Ellis "biting his (penis) off."

The victim told police he fought Ellis off but she hit him in the head with a laptop computer.

After a brief hospital stay and "4-5 stitches at the base of his penis," both the victim and his little victim are okay.

Ellis now faces charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and maiming for the attempted dental de-dicking.

[Image via Tulsa County Sherriff's Office//h/t NY Daily News]