A Ferguson man says he was threatened and unjustly arrested by Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown this summer, in a newly released video of an alleged 2013 encounter.

In the 14-second clip, shot by Mike Arman, 30, an officer he claims is Wilson can be seen standing several yards away on the sidewalk. He tells Arman, "If you don't stop taking pictures, I'm gonna lock your ass up." When Arman tells him he's actually filming, Wilson tells him he doesn't have the right and walks up the sidewalk to Arman's porch, where he appears to grab Arman's arm.

Wilson was reportedly there issuing a court summons over derelict vehicles on Arman's property.

An incident report allegedly filed by Wilson differs from the video: he claims he told Arman that a video recording "would be acceptable" but had to arrest him when he ignored instructions to "remove the camera from my face." In the report, Wilson also writes that he refused to give Arman his name because "Arman was capable of reading my department-issued nameplate attached to my uniform."

Arman claims he was charged with failure to comply until he showed the video to his attorney. Wilson also arrested him for violating pit bull regulations, which Arman says he beat by proving his dog was actually a bull dog.

Despite the police report, Ferguson police department spokesperson apparently denied the video, telling the Guardian, "I don't think that is him."

The grand jury is still out in Wilson's fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown this summer. They are expected to return a verdict in "mid to late November."