Photo: Twitter

Why don’t people find something else to throw at politicians besides shoes?

Frankly, a shoe is not a great object with which to express your political leanings. It won’t splat and make a mess, like a tomato, and it’s certainly not heavy enough to do any damage. And yet, time and time again, a wayward shoe whizzes past the ear of an unsuspecting politician.

This time, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was the target, according to The Indian Express. During a press conference Saturday, a man identified as Ved Prakash, was reportedly angry about irregularities in distribution of Compressed Natural Gas stickers, part of a plan to ration car use that has been a contentious issue in the country.

The insane moment was caught on tape:

But this is not the most famous shoe to be thrown, not by a mile. There was the CNN clip that accidentally recorded a woman talking about throwing a shoe at the Pope, and an errant shoe that nearly hit Hillary Clinton in 2014.

Why can’t we all just go back to the good old days, when we expressed political disdain with tomatoes???