A man in Houston, Texas is accused of picking up a Chihuahua and throwing her at the outside glass window of a Starbucks in response to the fact that he had been banned from the store three months prior. Witnesses say the man was intoxicated.

Larry McHale, 46, was seen outside of the coffee shop in Houston yelling and smashing a bottle before picking up the four-pound dog and hurling her at the window. Police say they are unsure if the dog belonged to McHale or if she was a stray.

Via KHOU News:

The dog was picked up by the city of Houston's Animal Shelter and Adoption Facility.

Technicians and volunteers took an instant liking to the Chihuahua and named her "Starbucks".


The dog now suffers from a broken back leg and needs pins and plates to fix it. The surgery is estimated to cost about $1,000.

McHale was arrested on animal cruelty charges.

[Image via KHOU]