A couple exchanging vows on their wedding day were visibly stunned when their very own pastor stopped the ceremony in the middle so he could scold the photographers for standing too close.

"Please sirs, leave, please," the Episcopalian priest testily tells the photographer and videographer standing directly behind the altar. "This is a solemn assembly not a photography session. Please move or I will stop."

As the bride and groom glance at each other with bewilderment at the officiant's clearly long-standing grudge against people with cameras, he continues to damn the professionals hired by the family to perdition.

"I will stop the ceremony if you do not get out of the way," insists the mad-as-hell minster. "This is not about the photography, this is about God."

Damn photosexuals ruining the sanctity of marriage.

[H/T: Christian Nightmares]