Shannon Maureen Conley, the 19-year-old Denver, Colorado resident who fell in love with an ISIS militant online, pleaded guilty today to "providing material support" to ISIS. She's agreed to provide the FBI information about her conspirators, but she still faces up to five years in jail and a $250,000 fine.

Conley, who was open with investigators about her desire to travel to Syria and wage jihad, was arrested at the Denver airport in April after trying to board a plane to meet her boyfriend. Prior to that attempt, she joined the nonprofit youth group U.S. Army Explorers to be trained in military tactics and gun use. The Denver Post reports:

Agents searching Conley's Arvada home discovered videos of lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Islamic militant, and videos by other jihadists... They also found shooting targets labeled with the number of rounds fired and the distance they were fired on.

Conley allegedly also considered committing terrorists acts here at home—the Post reports that Conley severely disturbed leaders at the Faith Bible church this year by wandering around in a hijab making "notes" about the layout of the building. Conley reportedly told investigators, "If they think I'm a terrorist, I'll give them something to think I am."

Faith Bible pastor George Morrison alerted authorities to her suspicious behavior, but he says he still thinks she's just a "terrorist wannabe." Conley will be sentenced for aiding ISIS in January.

[Photo via video]