You are probably familiar with Prophet and internet gadfly King Nazir Muhammad for his advocacy of the controversial position that all women should become lesbians. Today we have more King Nazir Muhammad news to report—news that I think you'll want to hear.

King Nazir Muhammad has come a long way since his days a few months ago when he was merely another contributing writer calling for universal lesbianism. Today, he is a full-fledged Prophet, heading his own religion—"Religion of Power"—complete with its own website featuring its own Paypal "Donate" button. As Prophet King Nazir Muhammad writes on his holy Weebly page, "King Nazir Muhammad like any other would like to profit from his work , although his work can never trully be paid for in full. No Human works for no benefit and King Muhammad is no divine being but simply a human being blessed with a divine gift to add to or subtract wealth from others - Which is the essence and purpose of a Prophet's existence in our opinion."

I trust and expect that all of you will spend many leisurely hours delving deeper into Prophet King Nazir Muhammad's Sacred Writings upon completing your reading of this internet story. For now, though, let us keep our attention on the news that we promised. Today, we received via email a Press Release from the Prophet himself, which reads as follows:

"Press Release : Rapidly Growing New Age Religion founded by Prophet Muhammad / King Muhammad today adopts controversial CashMoney Records Rap Star Mystikal's 1995 Hit Song ' Here I Go ' as their Gods Official Song."

As journalists we are trained to trust nothing—not even the Word of God. So we personally navigated to Prophet King Nazir Muhammad's home page and found there, in confirmation of the above, a video of "Here I Go" by Mystikal, duly proclaimed as "A.L.L.A.H's Official Marching Song."

Interested parties may also purchase a poster of "our God ( A.L.L.A.H ) in support of this faith and to keep Prophet Muhammad in your remembrance," for $47.99.


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