Since news broke last night that former NBA star and Keeping Up with the Kardashians castoff Lamar Odom had been found unconscious in a Nevada brothel, friends—famous and not—have been spotted around his hospital room. And lest you, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians viewer feel left out, fear not: according to Radar Online, the cameras are rolling (UPDATE: Multiple reports refute the Radar story).

Odom, who is reported to be in a coma and breathing with the aid of a machine, was transported from the Bunny Ranch to the Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center after two brothel employees discovered him passed out in his VIP suite Tuesday night.

Within hours, several members of the Kardashian family—including Khloe, Kim, Kris and Rob—were reportedly spotted entering the hospital. But according to Radar Online, they were also accompanied by rolling cameras.

Khloe, 30, sister Kim Kardashian and “Momager” Kris Jenner hopped on a private jet to Sin City with cameras rolling as soon as they learned about Odom’s overdose after a three-day booze and pill bender that culminated in him being found unconscious at the Bunny Ranch.

“It’s [a] s**t show,” a source close to the situation told Radar. “The Kardashians are trying to run everything. They walked into the hospital with cameras rolling. It was shocking, but hardly a surprise.”

Khloe was “extremely upset,” the source told Radar,” adding that “they are all crying and pretending like they care.

In the meantime TMZ is reporting the show may have triggered something for Lamar, who was reportedly “chill” until a new episode featuring a phone conversation between him and Khloe aired Sunday night.

“Sources at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch South tell us, Lamar seemed normal during his stay until he got a call from someone about the show. Some of the women who were around Lamar say he became irate, complaining about the way he had just been portrayed on the show,” the gossip site reports. “We’re told Lamar remained upset until he was found unconscious.”

Update 1:15 p.m.

TMZ has posted a report citing “sources close to production and at the hospital” which refutes the Radar Online story about the camera crew:

TMZ has learned that “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is on a hiatus, so there’s no staff to shoot anything even if the family wanted it. We’re told none of the Kardashians want their hospital vigil public ... in no small part because Khloe is devastated.

There are reports the family walked in with cameras rolling — not true ... cameras did not accompany them.

To the contrary, we’re told the Kardashians have banned any photography in eyeshot of Lamar.

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