As of Friday, Britain's Prince George is no longer an undocumented drifter living off the grid, subsisting on secrets and shadows; he's a person with a birth certificate. For whatever reason, the birth certificate was not filled out very neatly, but what are you gonna do? Summer Fridays, everyone's in a hurry. (Here's Prince William's super fancy birth certificate for comparison.)

Prince William (who signed the document) listed Kate Middleton's occupation as "Princess of the United Kingdom," probably because "I don't know, really...just vaguely busy all the time" was deemed too long.

Although he earns a paycheck as a pilot in Britain's Royal Air Force, William's occupation is given as "Prince of the United Kingdom. A pilot in the streets/powerless figurehead in the sheets.

Please annotate the birth certificate with your observations.

[Image via Clarence House/Twitter]