In New Delhi on Sunday, demonstrators took to the streets to protest the release of a juvenile convicted in the fatal 2012 gang rape of a young woman. At the time of the attack, the man was 17 years old. He will finish his three-year sentence in a reform home, the Associated Press reports.

The Supreme Court rejected a motion submitted by the Delhi Commission for Women, the Times of India reports, seeking to stay his release while determining whether the now-20-year-old man has truly been reformed.

The Delhi High Court rejected a petition to extend the man’s term on Friday, the AP reports, although it will hear a similar petition Monday.

From the AP:

The woman and a male friend were returning home from seeing a movie at an upscale mall when they were tricked by the attackers into getting on the bus, which the men had taken out for a joyride.

The attackers beat the victim’s friend and took turns raping her. They penetrated her with a rod, leaving severe internal injuries that led to her death two weeks later.

Four men were convicted of rape and murder in an unusually fast trial for India’s chaotic justice system. A fifth man died in prison.

The four adults who went to trial confessed to the attack but later retracted their confessions, saying they’d been tortured into admitting their involvement. Legal appeals against their death sentences are pending in the Supreme Court.

The man will no longer be under police supervision, Indian Express reports. “We have left him with an NGO,” police sources said.

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