“That was shrinkage for me,” said Justin Bieber, confirming the fact that, despite media reports, he remains a nightmare human.

Speaking on the recent paparazzi photos showing him frolicking sans pants in Bora Bora, the tiny singer reportedly told Access Hollywood that he was not happy with the photos — but he was careful to also comment on their content.

“My first thing was like, how can they do this?” he said. “Like, I feel super violated. Like, I feel like I can’t step outside and feel like I can go outside naked.”

He’s not the first man with the last name Bieber to comment on the photos. In a move that was equally abhorrent as his son’s comment, Justin Bieber’s father Jeremy gave his vomitous input last week, writing in a now-deleted tweet:

@justinbieber what do you feed that thing. #proud daddy

Everything here is bad.

Image via Getty