"We've just had a nonsense midterm election," basic bitch Thomas Friedman writes today. "Never has more money been spent to think so little about a future so in flux. What would we have discussed if we'd had a serious election?" Well? What???

Energy policy?

Income inequality?

Campaign finance reform?

The War on Drugs?

The War on Terror?

Thomas Friedman, your bold dismissal of our farcical political process makes it sound like you are dangerously close to writing something that I might find insightful—don't keep us waiting!

How about the biggest challenge we're facing today: The resilience of our workers, environment and institutions.

Why is that the biggest challenge? Because: The world is fast. The three biggest forces on the planet — the market, Mother Nature and Moore's Law — are all surging, really fast, at the same time. The market, i.e., globalization, is tying economies more tightly together than ever before, making our workers, investors and markets much more interdependent and exposed to global trends, without walls to protect them.

Oh Thomas. I knew you wouldn't let us down.

In sum, we're in the middle of three "climate changes" at once: one digital, one ecological, one geo-economical. That's why strong states are being stressed, weak ones are blowing up and Americans are feeling anxious that no one has a quick fix to ease their anxiety. And they're right.

Then the entire second half of his column is about drought in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for no apparent reason.

Never change, Thomas Friedman. I just can't quit you.

[Photo: AP]